AEROGROUP SA, part of the Miami-based Aerogroup International Inc, was recently appointed to represent Cargo B Airlines for the whole of Latin America. The market for South American goods and produce continues to expand worldwide with perishables, especially flowers, taking a leading role. Demand throughout Europe and Russia CIS is increasing.

Ricardo Martinez, president and chief executive officer of the group and FEDAGSA executive representative for Latin America, said: "There is an increasing appetite for South American flowers throughout the world due to the high quality and competitive prices. We are pleased to also represent Aeroflot, which is delivering hundreds of tonnes to Russia, as well as the new Brussels-based airline, Cargo B. Starting this January, Cargo B has been flying flowers from Ecuador and Colombia to Europe and is now operating three weekly frequencies plus charters to service the South American market.

"An investment of around US$17 million, is being made by the Ecuadorian government for upgrading operating conditions at Latacunga Airport in Ecuador, about two hours drive from Quito, where we are concentrating one of our main traffic flows. This expansion includes increasing the runway by 500 ms to 4,600 ms and the addition of new taxiways. Our affiliate Aeroground SA, has built and is operating the new site 40 pallet cooler. All these improvements will make this airport extremely efficient for future cargo traffic and the airport of choice in Ecuador. Aerogroup is working closely with the various national authorities to expand the role of Latacunga into a full scale cargo hub.

"Also the great demand for Colombian flowers, enhanced by special celebrations such as St Valentine's day and International Women's day, has in turn, put pressure on airline capacity at peak times, which we are now in a position to fulfil with special flights. For example, Cargo B has already operated three charters and now entered the Colombian market in March with recurring routing of Brussels-Viracopos (Brazil)-Latacunga-Bogota (Colombia) Brussels. Furthermore we have arranged direct charters from Bogota to Brussels to meet extra demand for the high season exports."