Work on China’s first 767-300 Boeing Converted Freighter (BCF) by the Guangzhou Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Company Ltd. (GAMECO) has been completed.
The first conversion line for the 767-300BCF opened at GAMECO's premises in Guangzhou in April. The second line opened in September.
GAMECO also has three conversion lines for the 737-800BCF in operation.
Boeing recently announced plans to add eight 737-800BCF conversion lines across new and existing MRO suppliers in China, and at other global sites.
"This marks the first redelivery for 767-300BCF airplanes from GAMECO, and there are more to come," said Peter Gao, vice president, Boeing commercial sales and marketing for China.
“The GAMECO conversion line in Guangzhou secures the capacity and ability to meet the needs of our customers in China and other global locations.
"GAMECO has proven their technical expertise, commitment and ability to overcome challenges to execute conversions, and we will rely on them to continue to drive success for our medium widebody BCF programme, in addition to the well-established narrow body 737BCF program at GAMECO.”
The Boeing 767-300BCF now has more than 100 orders and commitments.
According to the 2022 Boeing Commercial Market Outlook, Boeing forecasts a need for 1,855 freighter conversions over the next 20 years.
The report also projects the global freighter fleet, including both production freighters and passenger-to-freighter conversions, will increase by 80% by 2041.
"Boeing’s support and trust during this first 767-300BCF conversion were key for a successful certification and handover," said GAMECO general manager, Marc Szepan.
“Having all five Boeing conversion lines operational now, GAMECO continues to strive for continuously increasing productivity and efficiency to support Boeing and their customers.”