Dachser: preparing for Chinese New Year
07 / 02 / 2018
Global logistics provider Dachser USA is helping US importers and exporters prepare for the impact of Chinese New Year, which will see businesses across China and some countries in the surrounding region close from February 14 or 15 to 21 – and, in many cases, remaining closed until March 2.
In the week or two preceding the holiday, manufacturing in China will step up ahead of the closures, leading to a spike in freight.
Production times will be slower, with normal service resumed one or two weeks after the celebrations are over.
Frank Guenzerodt, president and chief executive of Dachser USA, noted: “Planning and preparation are key to effectively navigating and managing challenges that could occur during the Chinese New Year.
"By implementing a few critical steps in advance of the holiday, shippers can avoid unnecessary bottlenecks and continue business with little or no interruption.”
Building up stock well in advance of Chinese New Year, prioritising shipments in case of limited space and reserving (more expensive) space on passenger flights for those shipments that cannot be delayed are among the measures Dachser recommends to help minimise disruption to the supply chain during this period.