Forwarders say stop procrastinating on aviation as UK heads to the polls
28 / 06 / 2017
UK freight forwarder group the British International Freight Association (BIFA) has urged the winner of today’s UK general election to "stop procrastinating" over the expansion of aviation capacity.
In a statement issued as the UK heads to the polls, BIFA director general Robert Keen also said the group would highlight the importance of trade given the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.
BIFA would like to see expansion at Heathrow Airport, which although is backed by the government, still needs to be voted through parliament.
He said: “In the year since the Brexit vote, the UK has been in a period of great uncertainty on the political front and we hope that the new government of whatever hue is ready to confront the massive decisions that now need to be taken.
“Other than the huge issues concerning international trade surrounding Brexit negotiations, we urge the new government to stop procrastinating over the expansion of UK aviation capacity and move forward with the recommendations made by the Airports Commission to expand Heathrow airport.
“As the trade association that represents the UK’s freight forwarding community, BIFA will continue to lobby the new government to make sure that it understands that the UK’s freight forwarding community is the engine of Britain’s international trade.
“On Brexit, BIFA has avoided making speculative statements with so many unknowns, but in the run up to the UK’s exit we will be campaigning to ensure that the new government understands that the movement of the UK’s visible import and export trade cannot become overburdened by overcomplicated trade procedures.
“We will be counting on the new government to show that the UK is still a confident, outward-looking trading nation, still capable of taking bold decisions that have a direct positive effect on the UK economy, its international connectivity, and reputation.”