NorthLink Aviation's project to develop an e-commerce and express air cargo terminal at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC) has received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
NorthLink's air cargo terminal project at the Alaskan airport has received a Finding of No Significant Impact and Record of Decision (FONSI/ROD) from the FAA related to the Environmental Assessment issued as part of the review process for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The receipt of the FONSI/ROD allows NorthLink, in coordination with ANC and other state agencies, to begin construction on the 120-acre plot of land NorthLink has leased for 55 years.
Air Cargo News understands NorthLink entered into a concession for the property on the airport’s South Park campus in 2021, with the plan of developing infrastructure for aircraft parking, fuelling, de-icing, and related warehouse and office space that will serve air cargo carriers.
In addition to its FAA clearance, NorthLink said it plans to start construction on the air cargo terminal project shortly. The company said it has signed terminal usage agreements with multiple international air cargo carriers. The multi-year contracts provide carriers with reserved hardstand capacity at ANC.
The completion of operational hardstands, which will further enhance ANC's capacity to accommodate air cargo traffic, is projected for the second half of 2024.
NorthLink is working with federal agencies to establish ANC as the first port of entry for air cargo entering the US.
In November 2021, Tiger Infrastructure Partners acquired a controlling interest in NorthLink, formerly named IC Alaska Airport LLC.