Industry and governments must work together, says IATA

GOVERNMENTS need to make sure that they are not forced into making rash and hasty new aviation security requirements, in the wake of the cargo bomb plots.

“The events in Yemen have put cargo security at the top of our agenda,” said Giovanni Bisignani, IATA’s chief executive officer. “Airfreight drives the world economy. The products that we carry represent 35 per cent of the total value of goods traded internationally. In 2009, airlines carried 26 million tonnes of international cargo. By 2014, that will increase to 38 million tonnes. Transporting these goods safely, securely and efficiently is critical.”

Bisignani commended governments for their, thus far, coordinated and targeted response, which thankfully hasn’t resulted in sweeping cargo disruptions.

Bisignani said there were four areas that had to be focussed on to develop air cargo security in the future: taking an entire supply chain approach to security, developing better screening technology, better sharing of intelligence between industry and governments, and better data collection.

“Defining coordinated security responses with collaboration between industry and government have made more progress in the last 10 months than at any time since the tragic events of 2001. Governments and industry are now aligned with a common goal. We must use this momentum to move from words and agreements, to actions and results,” said Bisignani.


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