Next-gen delay presents challenge for Unisys

CAN large carriers running their own versions of the Unisys Logistics Management System (LMS) be persuaded to wait until the company has completed its next-generation cargo system? That, admits Christopher Shawdon (right), Unisys vice-president logistics solutions, is the key challenge facing him over the next couple of years.

Unisys stated as far back as 2008 that four of the nine modules of its next-generation system had been completed, but development was then delayed due to the global economic downturn. Shawdon now says that part one of the system – the flights and routing application – will be ready by the end of the year. That leaves booking and sales, and a handling module to be completed during 2011.

For the full story read the free latest digital edition of Air Cargo News, dated 3 May, here.

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