Pemco to convert Hainan 737s

CHINA’S Hainan Airlines has extended its agreement with Pemco World Air Services to convert some of its 737-300 passenger aircraft into freighters up to six.
Pemco has already converted two aircraft for Hainan, one delivered last October and the other in January. Another is expected this month with the remaining before the end of the second quarter.
Cargo traffic at Hainan Airlines, part of the HNA Group, which includes Hong Kong Airlines Cargo and Yangtze River Express, grew 71 per cent in December over the same month the year before, although this is relative growth compared to the slump last eyar and the pre-Chinese New Year rebound.
“We are honoured that HNA Group, a leader in the Chinese civil aviation industry, has tapped us once again to help meet the growing demand for air cargo traffic in the Asia-Pacific region,” said Pemco’s chief executive officer, Wake Smith.

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