The occupational health and safety system in place at Davies Turner Air Cargo’s Heathrow hub has been certified to the ISO45001:2018 standard by the provider of ISO compliance certification and risk management training solutions, ISOQAR.
Additionally, three other hubs operated by Davies Turner Group’s surface freight subsidiaries, Davies Turner & Co, and Davies Turner Logistics have been certified.
Carl Inman, group health, safety, insurance and environment manager of the Davies Turner Group, said: ”For many years, occupational health and safety responsibility has been of great importance to Davies Turner, and we have been actively involved in initiatives at site level to develop good practice.
“The decision to work towards formal recognition of our occupational health and safety initiatives made sound business sense, but was also fully supported by the company’s board of directors as it demonstrates the company’s ethos.
“Over the last few years, we have also seen our clients seeking greater evidence that Davies Turner is fully engaged with governance issues or objectives. Some are making standards like ISO45001 and ISO14001 a requirement for suppliers with which they work, providing reassurance that they are dealing with a responsible company, which understands its responsibilities for safeguarding employees, other stakeholders and the environment.
“The certification demonstrates that Davies Turner is committed to occupational health and safety issues and is proactively working to minimise incident reporting.
“In addition, it helps further differentiate our company from our competition since the number of other UK freight forwarding businesses that have IS045001 accreditation is still small.”
Measures are now in place for other branches and freight hubs within the Davies Turner Group’s network in the UK and Ireland to progressively implement the ISO standard.
The latest certification is in addition to Davies Turner’s ISO14001 and ISO9001 accreditation and recognition by HMRC as one of the UK’s first Authorised Economic Operators (AEO). The company also has Investors in People (IIP) status, meeting the highest standards of people management.