Cargo specialist Liege Airport will appeal a recently published environmental permit because of limits on flights and noise.
The airport welcomed the 20-year permit but said that it contains two problematic conditions: a maximum limit of 50,000 aircraft movements per year for aircraft over 34 tons, and an obligation to reduce aircraft noise by 5% per year from 2024 as well as a noise quota on night flights.
Liege Airport's 2020-2040 master plan, approved in December 2020 by its Board of Directors, foresees 67,000 movements at its peak and no limitations on night flights.
"The limitations of the permit are not compatible with the implementation of this master plan," Liege Airport said.
"Moreover, they would force the airport to reduce its current activities drastically and rapidly."
Liege Airport said that airlines were investing in quieter aircraft, but the limits on noise were being implemented at too fast a pace to match the technological evolution of the sector and its airline customers' fleet replacement plans.
The airport added: "Our board has decided to go to appeal because the operating conditions include limitations at all critical points for the viability of the airport and the resulting economic activity and employment."
The airport is expecting a decision on its appeal by the Walloon government at the end of this year or the beginning of 2023.