Qatar Airways Cargo last year saw its cargo volumes grow while also accelerating digitalisation with its Next Generation vision.
The carrier, which late last year introduced new routes, transported more than 1.7m tonnes in 2022, up from over 1.6m tonnes in 2021.
Included in these figures, Qatar Airways Cargo transported 84,000 tonnes of pharmaceutical products, including 4,000 tonnes of vaccines and over 1200 tonnes of Covid vaccines.
It also provided the safe transportation of 12,600 horses, and carried out more than 1,400 charter flights last year, which includes charters for e-commerce, exotic animals, music band tours and FIFA related activities.
As part of efforts to apply its Next Generation vision to all areas of its business, Qatar Airways Cargo last year launched the Digital Lounge web platform, designed to provide a more streamlined and connected booking experience to customers.
As part of the carrier’s omni-channel strategy, the platform offers users direct access to the main three bookings platforms of the industry.
Guillaume Halleux, chief officer cargo at Qatar Airways Cargo, said: “We are really proud of all that we accomplished in 2022.
“Launching The Next Generation has allowed us to bring an entirely new perspective to everyone involved in the air cargo value chain.
“This truly represents a milestone in our development and in the way Qatar Airways Cargo is doing business.”
Two major chapters of the "WeQare" initiative were launched in 2022. Chapter 3, Let’s Stand Together, consisted of organising the collection of charity donations for children, while Chapter 4, Diversity, was a celebration of the carrier’s team in the form of a livery showing some of their faces.
The environment continues to be a key focus for Qatar Airways Cargo, and last year it launched an online CO2 emission calculator for customers to determine their shipments’ carbon emissions.
Qatar Airways Cargo is currently working on the development of a carbon offsetting tool on its Digital Lounge portal which will offer customers an option to offset their shipments as part of the booking process.
The business has also achieved IATA Environmental Assessment programme IEnvA Stage 2 re-certification
This year Qatar Cargo and handler Qatar Aviation Services gained IATA CEIV Lithium Battery (CEIV Li-batt) certification.