Embraer has launched a programme to convert pre-owned E190s and E195s from passenger jets to freighters.
The E-Jet freighter programme has been created in response to e-commerce growth and increased demand for cargo capacity, especially to smaller markets.
The E190F will have a payload of 10,700kg and the E195F of 12,300kg.
First deliveries are planned for 2024.
Structural modifications to the aircraft include the removal of overhead “bins”, installation of new smoke detection and fire suppression systems, a new forward cargo door and reinforcement of the maindeck floor with installation of a cargo handling system.
“What really makes the E-Jet freighters attractive is their ability to offer optimised loading configurations,” said Brazil-headquartered commercial jets manufacturer Embraer. “Cargo carriers can therefore maximise efficiency by better matching capacity to demand. The E-Jet freighters offer greater frequency and better operating economics in smaller markets than larger aircraft.”
The range and payload capacity of the E195F is similar to the B737-300SF (nearly 2,500 nm) but the E195F burns less fuel, generates fewer emissions, and has lower maintenance and cash operating costs, added Embraer.