All Nippon Airways (ANA) will consolidate its presence at Narita International with a new cargo building that is currently being built by Narita International Airport Corporation (NIAC).
At the moment, the airline utilises six dispersed warehouses at the airport but when the new facility opens operations will be moved to just two facilities.
Operations will move into the new Cargo Building Number Eight being developed by NIAC and continue at the adjacent Cargo Building Number Seven already being used by the carrier.
ANA hopes to begin services from the new facility in October next year.
The building will have a total area of around 61,000 sq m, with the warehousing comprising 38,000 sq m.
It will be used for import and export cargo between Asia and North America as well as domestic cargo.
"By consolidating warehouses, cargo delivery to/from customers can be completed in a single warehouse," ANA said.
"Cargo between Asia and North America can arrive and depart from the same warehouse, shortening the connection time and improving the convenience of demand between Asia and North America."
The facility will also use Automated guided vehicles (AGV) to automate cargo transfer and storage operations and have automated ULD racks to expand storage space.
The cargo terminal will also have access to the airport and meets several environmental standards.