Turkish Cargo is partnering with express carrier YTO Cargo Airlines on flights connecting China, central Asia and Turkey.
The agreement will see YTO Cargo Airlines operate four flights per week between Xi'an and Tashkent.
The capacity of the flights is being utilised entirely by Turkish Cargo, the partners said.
"According to this co-operation, cargo departing from China is being connected to Turkish Airlines’ Tashkent-Istanbul flights on the same day, following its transfer from Xi'an to Tashkent," they explained.
From Instanbul shipments can connect with the rest of the Turkish Cargo network.
Turkish Airlines chief cargo officer Turhan Özen said: “Considering today’s global trade network, China ranks among the most critical players with its production capacity and economy.
"Accordingly, the cooperation we have entered into with YTO Cargo Airlines is of strategic importance in terms of strengthening the transnational connection and sustainability of the supply chain. Thanks to this new cooperation, Turkish Cargo continues to generate cargo solutions from and to China for its customers all across the globe."
YTO International’s chief executive Jian Sun added: "We, as the YTO Express family, are pleased to have built good relations and a robust cooperation with Turkish Cargo.
"By means of this collaborative venture, we are providing our customers in China and the rest of the world with expeditious, uninterrupted and practical solutions. We wish that our cooperation will continue by expanding during the upcoming period."