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  • Source: Heathrow Airports Limited

    Heathrow third runway plans set for government backing?


    Reports suggest that UK chancellor Rachel Reeves could back plans for the expansion of Heathrow, Gatwick and Luton airports to help fuel economic growth

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    US customs proposes changes to de minimis rules


    US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has unveiled its planned changes to de minimis rules in response to growing e-commerce volumes

  • Brendan Sullivan, IATA

    IATA calls for international coordination when addressing security threats


    IATA has called for international cooperation when developing future security requirements following the introduction of "disjointed" security measures last year

  • Downloaded standard license 11/1/24

    Development of negotiable air cargo document progresses


    A negotiable air cargo document would allow the transfer ownership of goods while in transit

  • Air cargo's "wait and see" approach to US tariffs and positive demand outlook for 2025

    Air cargo's "wait and see" approach to US tariffs and positive demand outlook for 2025


    Source: Air Cargo NewsThe air cargo industry is taking a wait and see approach to the likely impact of potential new US tariffs and stricter regulatory requirements for e-commerce shipments.At the Tiaca Air Cargo Forum industry leader session, panellists were asked their opinion on how the possible implementation of stricter ...

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    Australia the latest to add stricter requirements for European/CIS air cargo


    Australia has joined the US and Canada in adding stricter security requirements for cargo originating from European and CIS countries. From September 26, the country will require that cargo being transported on passenger aircraft destined for the country should only be tendered from shippers with whom the forwarder has an ...

  • News

    Lufthansa Cargo and Swiss to add SAF costs into airfreight surcharge


    Lufthansa Group-owned Lufthansa Cargo and Swiss WorldCargo have announced they will begin to include the cost of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in their Airfreight Surcharge (ASC).The two cargo businesses said that starting on January 1 2025, they would include a SAF blending quota of an initial 2% for departure from ...

  • CES-station-at-DW-Photo

    US customs clamps down on vague cargo descriptions


    US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is clamping down on the use of vague descriptions of shipments submitted through the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS). CBP said that from October 7, carriers and other parties electing to file ACAS data to CBP are required to provide a precise description of ...

  • News

    Canada joins the US in implementing stricter requirements for European air cargo shipments


    Canada has joined the US in the sudden implementation of stricter security requirements for Europe- and CIS-based air cargo shippers importing goods into the country. Following the announcement of the new requirements, Air Canada Cargo warned shippers that they face an embargo unless they can meet the new requirements. The ...

  • Source-Rotate

    US customs crackdown on e-commerce yet to impact freighter capacity


    A US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) crackdown on e-commerce shipments into the US over recent weeks has yet to impact freighter flight numbers into North America.Late last week, CBP announced it had suspended "multiple customs brokers" from its Entry Type 86 Test programme that covers the duty-free import of ...

  • News

    Logistics UK reiterates call for dedicated logistics minister following election announcement


    Logistics UK has reiterated its call for the creation of a dedicated logistics and supply chain minister following the announcement of a general election in the country on July 4.The business group urged all political parties to include the organisation’s call for the appointment of a minister for logistics and ...

  • Sent via PR Meantime. No copyright specified. 20/5/24

    US FAA legislation includes review of airport truck delays


    AfA members. Source: AfAUS president Joe Biden has signed into law the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization legislation, which includes a section on reviewing truck congestion issues at US airports.The US Airforwaders Association (AfA) said that under the new law, the General Accountability Office will assess air cargo operations across the ...

  • US-tariff-hikes-2024

    Supply chains brace for new US-China tariff war


    Cargo volumes and supply chain costs for China-US services could come under pressure after US president Joe Biden announced a range of new tariffs on Chinese imports.The president yesterday announced tariffs covering Chinese imports with a value of $18bn, ranging from electric vehicles (EVs) to solar cells and semiconductors to ...

  • News

    Etihad Cargo prepared for new UAE shipment data requirements


    Etihad Cargo has outlined the preparations it has made ahead of the implementation of stricter requirements for advanced shipment information.The UAE is in the process of implementing Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) regulations that involve supply chain partners providing shipment information ahead of transport to enable authorities to carry out ...

  • News

    Future of the 767F given a boost as US Senate backs emissions exemption


    Production of the Boeing 767 freighter has been given a lifeline after the US Senate approved a bill that would exempt the aircraft from stricter emissions rules.The US is due to implement new aircraft efficiency rules from January 1 2028 which had called into question the future of the 767 ...

  • Insights

    US freight forwarders take note: new guidance clarifies export compliance responsibilities


    The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) recently released a document outlining best practices and responsibilities for freight forwarders engaged in international trade.This information is critical for freight forwarders to ensure they operate within legal boundaries and mitigate risks associated with export compliance.The guidance brings clarity to the roles and ...

  • News

    Fiata develops model agreement for PLACI multiple filing


    Freight forwarder association Fiata has launched a new agreement to help companies manage new requirements from governments for shipment information.The FIATA Model Agreement for Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) regimes aims to clarify parties’ responsibilities and "facilitate successful compliance in the complex reporting environment" when using the option of multiple ...

  • Photo: IATA Flickr account. 22/04/2024

    Stricter air cargo monitoring "not a concern"


    From left to right: Airforwarders Association executive director Brandon Fried; chief executive Moritz Claussen; Turkish Cargo cargo vice president Americas Salih Kamil Salihoğlu; UPS vice president Susana Pereira; and Southwest Airlines managing director of strategy & business services Michelle Williams. Photo: IATAAir cargo stakeholders are not concerned about the ...

  • Source: Air New Zealand

    New platform helps Air NZ customers cut the carbon


    Source: Air New ZealandAir New Zealand has partnered with Norwegian company CHOOSE to offer two platforms to help its customers measure their carbon emissions from freight and staff air travel.Businesses can then purchase carbon credits from certified projects based on their personalised data.The carrier’s chief sustainability officer, Kiri Hannifin, says ...

  • Mike Jones & Sam Warren

    UK freight group names first sustainable logistics chair


    Mike Jones & Sam Warren. Source: BIFAUK freight association BIFA has appointed Woodland group’s Sam Warren as the first chair of its new Sustainable Logistics Policy Group.Sam Warren (pictured, right, with Mike Jones, BIFA's policy advisor for sustainability and environment) is also sustainability manager at Woodland Group, an Essex-based freight ...